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Mastering Comfort: Contact Lens Fitting Guide in San Antonio

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a woman is placing a fitted contact lens in her eye.

Welcome to the world of contact lenses! Whether you’re a daily user or trying out contacts for the first time, getting the perfect fit is crucial for comfort and eye health. A typical contact lens fitting involves:

  • Visiting your eye care professional
  • Understanding you prescription and what contact lens option are available to you
  • Selecting your lens type to match your lifestyle
  • Practicing application and removal of the lens
  • Adjusting to your lenses
  • Caring for your lenses

This guide will take you through these steps to ensure that your contact lenses feel like a natural extension of your eyes.

Why Fit Matters

Properly fitted contact lenses provide a comfortable and precise vision correction experience.

  • Comfort: Designed to reduce irritation and dryness, properly fitted lenses provide all-day wear without discomfort, making them perfect for long hours at work or play. 
  • Vision Clarity: Our lenses are engineered to maximize vision correction and focus, allowing for sharp and clear vision, whether you’re reading, driving, or enjoying a day outdoors. 
  • Eye Health: By minimizing the risk of infections and complications, well-fitted lenses promote better overall eye health, giving you peace of mind as you go about your daily activities.

Step-by-Step Fitting Guide

Step 1: Visit Your Eye Care Professional

Before you start using contact lenses, it’s essential to consult with an eye care professional. They will assess your vision needs and eye shape to recommend the most suitable type of lenses for you. This assessment includes a thorough eye examination, where the professional will check not only your prescription but also the health of your eyes.

Step 2: Understand Your Prescription

Your contact lens prescription includes specific measurements that are crucial for ensuring optimal fit and vision correction:

  • Base Curve (BC): This measurement refers to the curvature of your lens, which should closely match the unique shape of your eye. A proper fit helps maintain comfort and stability, reducing the likelihood of irritation or lens movement during wear.
  • Diameter (DIA): The diameter measurement is essential, as it ensures that the lens covers your cornea fully. A lens that is too small can leave parts of the eye exposed, potentially leading to discomfort or dryness, while a lens that is too large may affect your vision quality and comfort.
  • Power (PWR/SPH): This value indicates the strength of the lens needed to correct your specific vision impairment, whether it be nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. Accurate power measurement is vital for providing you with clear and comfortable vision throughout the day.
two contact lenses are on a glass surface with drops of saline.

Step 3: Lens Material and Type

Choose between:

  • Daily Lenses: These are incredibly convenient and hygienic, making them ideal for first-time users or those who prefer a low-maintenance option.
  • Bi-Weekly/Monthly Lenses: These lenses are a cost-effective choice for regular users, as they can be worn for an extended period, typically up to two weeks or a month.
  • Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Lenses: These lenses provide crisp and clear vision, which is especially beneficial for individuals with specific eye conditions like astigmatism or keratoconus.

Step 4: Practice Insertion and Removal

First-time wearers may find the process of inserting contact lenses a bit tricky, but with some practice and guidance, it can become much easier. Here are some helpful tips to ensure a smooth experience:

  • Wash Hands Thoroughly: Before handling your lenses, make sure to wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Use a Mirror: Position yourself in front of a well-lit mirror. This will help you steady your hand and provide a clear view of your eye.
  • Blink Naturally: Once you successfully place the lens on your eye, remember to blink gently and naturally. This helps the lens to settle comfortably in place and ensures that your vision is clear.

Step 5: Adjust to Your Lenses

Allow an adjustment period to ensure a comfortable experience with your new eyewear:

  • Start with Short Wear Times: Begin by wearing your new glasses or contact lenses for short periods, gradually increasing the duration over the course of a week. This allows your eyes to adapt to the change without overwhelming discomfort.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Schedule regular check-in appointments with your eye care professional. This will help monitor your progress and ensure that the fit of your eyewear remains optimal, addressing any concerns or adjustments needed for better vision and comfort.

Step 6: Caring for Your Lenses

Hygiene is key to maintaining comfort when using contact lenses:

  • Use Fresh Solution: It’s crucial to replace your lens solution daily to prevent contamination and ensure that your lenses remain clean and safe for use.
  • Clean Your Lenses Regularly: Following the recommended cleaning routine for your specific lens type is essential. This includes gently rubbing your lenses with the appropriate solution to remove buildup and debris.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Dryness: If you’re experiencing dryness in your eyes while wearing contact lenses, it’s important to use lubricating drops specifically designed for use with contact lenses. These drops can help restore moisture, making your lenses more comfortable to wear throughout the day.
  • Blurred Vision: If you encounter blurred vision, first check the orientation of your contact lenses to ensure they’re positioned correctly. Additionally, verify that your lenses are clean and free of debris or buildup. Cleaning your lenses properly can significantly enhance your visual clarity.
  • Redness/Irritation: Should you notice redness or irritation in your eyes, promptly remove your contact lenses to prevent further discomfort. If the irritation persists even after removing the lenses, it’s advisable to consult your eye care professional for further evaluation and guidance on how to address the issue effectively.

Need to Book a Contact Lens Fitting?

By following these steps, you’ll enjoy the benefits of contact lenses with maximum comfort and clarity. Remember, your eye health is paramount, so never hesitate to reach out to your eye care professional if you encounter any issues.

Ready to take the plunge? Book an appointment with The Vision Place in San Antonio, TX!

Written by Dr. Sandra Palomino

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